The car looks like this in detail:
Smart buggy 16 euro.
Two additional wheels, that I glued to the plastic board.
Triborg, 9 euro.
The ultra sonic distance sensor, HCSR04, 2,50 euro.
Wiring was done as described on the internet. The car is remote controlled via telnet using Putty.
The code below is executed. This was tricky because the key listener needs to be non blocking. Once I found one that is non blocking. Its just a matter of using keys, I, J, K, L for steering the car. The distance sensor checks for distances less than 30 CM. The motor is turned off when this happens.import sys import select import tty import termios import contextlib import time import RPi.GPIO as GPIO GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) #used by the distance meter TRIG = 23 ECHO = 24 GPIO.setup(TRIG,GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(ECHO,GPIO.IN) #used by the piborg # Set which GPIO pins the drive outputs are connected to DRIVE_1 = 4 DRIVE_2 = 18 DRIVE_3 = 8 DRIVE_4 = 7 # Set all of the drive pins as output pins GPIO.setup(DRIVE_1, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(DRIVE_2, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(DRIVE_3, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(DRIVE_4, GPIO.OUT) # Map current on/off state to command state dInvert = {} dInvert[True] = GPIO.LOW dInvert[False] = GPIO.HIGH # Map the on/off state to nicer names for display dName = {} dName[True] = 'ON ' dName[False] = 'OFF' # Function to set all drives off def MotorOff(): GPIO.output(DRIVE_1, GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(DRIVE_2, GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(DRIVE_3, GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(DRIVE_4, GPIO.LOW) def MotorOn(): GPIO.output(DRIVE_1, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(DRIVE_2, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(DRIVE_3, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(DRIVE_4, GPIO.HIGH) def afstand(): time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(TRIG, False) GPIO.output(TRIG, True) time.sleep(0.00001) GPIO.output(TRIG, False) while GPIO.input(ECHO)==0: pulse_start = time.time() while GPIO.input(ECHO)==1: pulse_end = time.time() pulse_duration = pulse_end - pulse_start distance = pulse_duration * 17150 distance = round(distance, 2) return distance #distance def isData(): return[sys.stdin], [], [], 0) == ([sys.stdin], [], []) old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin) try: tty.setcbreak(sys.stdin.fileno()) while 1: if (afstand() < 50): MotorOff() if isData(): c = print str((c)) if c == '\x1b': # x1b is ESC break elif c == 'i': #Vooruit MotorOn() elif c == 'k': #Stop MotorOff() elif c == 'j': #Links print 'links' if ((GPIO.input(DRIVE_1)) & (GPIO.input(DRIVE_4))): print 'aan het rijden' GPIO.output(DRIVE_1, GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(DRIVE_2, GPIO.LOW) time.sleep(0.1) GPIO.output(DRIVE_1, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(DRIVE_2, GPIO.HIGH) else: GPIO.output(DRIVE_3, dInvert[GPIO.input(DRIVE_3)]) GPIO.output(DRIVE_4, dInvert[GPIO.input(DRIVE_4)]) elif c == 'l': #Rechts print 'rechts' if ((GPIO.input(DRIVE_1)) & (GPIO.input(DRIVE_4))): print 'aan het rijden' GPIO.output(DRIVE_4, GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(DRIVE_3, GPIO.LOW) time.sleep(0.1) GPIO.output(DRIVE_4, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(DRIVE_3, GPIO.HIGH) else: GPIO.output(DRIVE_1, dInvert[GPIO.input(DRIVE_1)]) GPIO.output(DRIVE_2, dInvert[GPIO.input(DRIVE_2)]) finally: print("stop") termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
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